Four Reasons Buy Here Pay Here Dealership Are Perfect For Cash Buyers
If you are a person that prefers to operate in cash and shy away from the use of credit, you may find purchasing a car particularly stressful. Most car dealerships prefer to finance their customers in order to make more money. When you choose to deal in cash to control your budget, it may be more difficult to find a finance company that will meet your terms. Here are four reasons a buy here pay here dealership is perfect for the cash buyer.
More negotiable terms
Though buy here pay here places will offer financing, the financing will be different than traditional options. Since you will be financing your car through that particular lot, it will be easier to talk to them about working out terms that benefit your budget. When you are looking for a car, ask a buy here pay here dealership that has cars you like what kind of financing they offer and if their terms are negotiable.
Many take cash buyers
A lot of banks and finance companies will request auto debit or not have an in-person payment center to accept cash. With a buy here pay here dealership, you will find that the dealership is eager to work with cash buyers. You may be able to stop by the dealership on your payday schedule and pay your monthly bill in cash. This means that you can stick to your cash based budget, while still paying an affordable monthly payment on a vehicle.
You don't have to clear out your savings to get a car
If you prefer dealing with bills in cash, you may think that your only option is to purchase a car outright. Though this is an option, it can mean that you must forgo the possibility of purchasing a newer model vehicle or a luxury car. With a buy here pay here lot, you may be able to get approved via financing at the dealership for the type of car that you have your heart set on. Putting up a large down payment, but not having to clear out your entire savings account to pay for a car can keep you and your family financially stable.
Service is more personalized
Since the car dealership is the person that will be financing your car, you may find that the service is more personalized and flexible. For instance, if you need to change the date of payment, you may be able to call up to your car dealer and easily have the date of payment changed. With a bank or finance company, this may be more difficult. The personalized service makes it easier to buy and pay in cash with few payment issues.